iconAbout Us

Madhava Ayurveda Chikitsalayam is a new venture from Mohan Pharmacy, the purest form of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments to our valueble patients. It is equipped with a team of experienced doctors with immense knowledge to offer you with the best individual treatment plan.

We provide authentic Ayurvedic treatments for various ailments includes Joint & Spine disorders, Neurological conditions, Infertility, Gynaecological disorders etc.

For the management of lifestyle disorders we have wellness and nutrition clinic which offers special Panchakarma therapies, individual diet plans and one to one Yoga & Meditation sessions.

We are conducting general and therapeutic yoga sessions for the patients along with traditional panchakarma treatments to improve their quality of life.

For the beauty aspirats, Madhava Ayurveda provide a well equipped cosmetology clinic for treating various skin and hair conditions using pure traditional Ayurvedic formulations


Our Specialities

iconBack pain & Spine clinic

Erect spine is one of the basic characteristics that differentiate humans from animals. Any deformity caused either by intrinsic or extrinsic factors in the structure, ailment, curvature, nutrition and bone material of the spine can lead to spinal disorders which are capable of disabling and immobilising a person's neurological activities and total health.

Spine is subject to continuous stress and strain and thus prone to trauma and injuries. Sedentary lifestyle along with over consumption of junk food and indiscriminate usage of electronic gadgets leading to wrong postures contributed to increase the incidents of spine disorders nowadays.

Spinal disorders commonly found are IVDP, degenerative disc diseases, lumbar canal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Osteomyelitis, Cervical spondylitis, Tuberculosis, Osteoporosis, Back sprains and strains etc. Cordosis, Kyphosis & Scoliosis are spine curvature disorders.

We, Madhava Ayurveda manage these types of clinical conditions by accurate diagnosis, proper pain management through samana and sodhana therapies, weight management and healthy diet tools to strengthen spine and prevention of recurrence of the condition through yoga and other rejuvenative therapies.

Thus we always try to achieve a better spine health for the patient through Ayurveda & Yoga

iconNeurology Clinic

Madhava Ayurveda neurology clinic deals with the prevention, management and treatment of various neurological conditions affecting brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and neuromuscular junction.

Most of the neurological diseases are chronic and progressive which leave the person to live his rest of the life with certain defects. We can prevent the occurance of neurological ailments to certain extent by identifying the risk factors and adapting a better lifestyle. Once the disease is set in, treatment is focusing mainly in rehabilitation by reducing the damages, improving the quality of life and delaying the progress of the disease.

Madhava Ayurveda neurology clinic has a well experienced doctors panel for neurological ailments like shoulder rehabilitation, Migraine headaches, tension headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, neuropathies, demyelinating disorders, parkinsonism, frozen shoulder, carpel tunnel syndrome, cerebral palsy etc..

A combination of modern diagnostic methods, diet plans, medicines and Panchakarma treatment modalities along with Yoga, pranayama and meditation help to manage the conditions in a more effective way.

iconArthritis and joint clinic

Like any other tissues of the body, bones and joints are vulnerable to wear and tear, degeneration and various inflammations. Preservation of structure and function of these joints are challenging nowadays due to the sedentary lifestyle of people.

Ayurveda is the system that offers a comprehensive management of arthritis and joint disorders by completely curing the joint diseases, redusing the possibility of its recurrence, managing the pain, improving the mobility, reversing the tissue damage to maximum possible extent and enhancing the quality of life in degenerative diseases. Different types of arthritis as per Ayurveda are Amavata, Vatarakta, Sandhigata vata, Asthigata vata, Kroshtukaseersha, Apabahuka etc. Most common joint diseases are Osteoarthritis, Rhumatoid arthritis, Negetive arthropathies, S L E, Spondylitis, Infective arthritis etc.

Madhava Ayurveda is managing joint disorders by reducing the inflammation, repress the process of degeneration, initiate the reproduction of sinovial fluid, repair the damaged cartilage and supporting the muscle. Our treatment programmes include classical Ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma treatments, Shodhana therapies, Yoga, Diet modifications etc.


iconGynaecology & Infertility Clinic

Society has given a special status for women health as they are the pillars of the family and society. Ayurveda emphasis on protecting and nurturing women health right from the birth through menarche, fertile period, menopause and post menopausal stages.

Gynaecological disorders include menstrual problems, sexual problems, Infertility, various hormonal imbalances, early pregnancy problems like recurrent miscarriage, problems related to menopause and disorders such as uterine fibroids, overian cysts, endometriosis etc.

Madhava Ayurveda gives special care to these Gynaecological issues by proper investigations, diagnosis and various experienced treatment modalities and thus curing and preventing the recurrence through Ayurvedic lifestyle. We also promote positive women health through Wellness management packages and Yoga.


We offer you the services for the following conditions.

  1. Advise and treatment for hormone management including the menopause, pre-menstrual stress, Osteoporosis and other hormone disorders.
  2. Gynaecological problems like vaginal discharge, abdominal vaginal bleeding and genital infection.
  3. Investigation and management of fertility problems.
  4. Management and treatment of pelvic pain and endometriosis.
  5. Screening and treatment of Poly Cystic Overian Syndrome.
  6. Treatment of menstrual irregularities and menorrhagia.
  7. Treatment of urinary incontinence and bladder central problems etc.
  8. Treatment of early pregnancy problems like recurrent miscarriages etc.
iconWellness & Nutrition clinic

Lifestyle diseases are defined as these health problems that react to changes in lifestyle inhibiting the oxygen supply in to the cells, which is the major risk factor of this catogary of diseases. Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, addiction like alcohol, narcotics etc are the main factors responsible for the lifestyle disorders.

Prominant lifestyle diseases are diabetics, hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism, polycystic Overy disease, kidney disease, obesity, cancer, liver disease, hypertension, low back strain, cardiovascular diseases etc.

The main solution to prevent such diseases lies in adapting the healthy lifestyle as professed by Ayurveda. Ayurveda has given prime importance to swasthavritha as there are mentions for daily routine ( Dinacharya ), seasonal regimen (Ritu charya), prakriti based diet, proper attention to natural excretory urges, Healthy social life (Sadvritha) etc.

Madhava Ayurveda offers you a Wellness clinic that provides necessary atten2to your lifestyle and help you to shred the unhealthy elements of your mind and body to rebuild yourself in to a healthy happy human being. We have individual based diet plan for diseases, which is tailormade. With proper dietary guidelines, Panchakarma treatments and Yoga therapy, we guide the patient to a healthy atmosphere, which is long lasting. We have efficient doctors panel to help you with nutritional advices in certain lifestyle diseases.


iconCosmetology clinic

The skin and hair can be adversely affected by the pollution, excessive use of chemical based cosmetics, over exposure to sun, stress and lack of proper nutrition. This can create imbalance in the doshas and lead to common skin and hair problems like acne, wrinkles, black heads, dark spots, psoriasis, eczema, premature graying of hair, hair fall etc. There can deep rooted causes for these skin and hair problems.

Madhava Ayurveda offer you the best treatment using natural ingredients and have been prepared with an indepth understanding of the therapeutic effects of herbs.


Cosmetology treatments offered by us are

  1. Skin care
  2. Acne (pimples)
  3. Melasma (Hyper pigmentation)
  4. Black heads
  5. Different types of facials based on skin texture like Njavara facial, Papaya facial, Aloe Vera facials etc
  6. Herbal clean-up
  7. Galvenic treatments.
  8. High frequency treatments
  9. Peel of Mask

iconHair Care
Treatment for
  1. Alopecia
  2. Dandruff
  3. Premature greying of hair
  4. Hot oil Massage
  5. Ayurvedic hair packs
  6. Ayurvedic henna pack
  7. Ayurvedic Hair Spa.
  8. Protein treatment

iconYoga & Meditation Clinic

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and chronic stress are prevalent in the modern world, and are considered serious healt conditions alongside heart diseases, cancer, Asthma etc. Integrative and holistic mind body practices such as yoga and meditation have became increasingly popular and beneficial as well when it comes to psychological and physical health issues. In fact yoga and meditation are considered stress reduction techniques that can influence how we relate to mental and physical health issues.,ultimately leading to less suffering and attachment to life outcomes.

Most of the diseases nowadays are of psycho somatic origin. Only a healthy mind can posses a healthy body. Thus Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation has that much of importance along with the physical treatment modalities like Panchakarma.

Madhava Ayurveda offering personalised clinical and General yoga and meditation sessions. We include yoga therapy in the rehabilitation period of different diseases in various patients. In addition we provide general yoga classes with different techniques based on individual requirements.

Our Treatments

  1. - Abhyangam
  2. - Udvarthanam
  3. - Choorna Pinda Swedam (Podikkizhi)
  4. - Patra Potala Swedam (Elakkizhi)
  5. - Jambheera Pinda Swedam (Narangakkizhi)
  6. - Shashtika Pinda Swedam (Njavarakkizhi)
  7. - Siropichu
  8. - Sirovasti
  9. - Kashaya vasthi
  10. - Vamana
  11. - Virechana
  12. - Pizhichil
  13. - Kashaya Dhara
  14. - Takra Dhara
  15. - Dhanyamla Dhara
  16. - Shirodhara
  17. - Nasyam
  18. - Agnikarmam
  19. - Jalookavacharanam (Leech therapy)


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